Win Deals and Influence People (works for introverts too)
Ex-FBI agent Jack Schafer (who wrote “The Like Switch”) says…
We need 4 things if we wanna influence people:
Knowing those 4 elements alone puts us ahead of most people.
How do you use them online?
How do we get deal flow with them?
Just as importantly…
How do we use them if we’re not extraverts?
Or not excited to cold DM peeps?
Tony Teegarden and I had a chat about how Tony gets potential partners to reach out to him.
Not just to say “Hi”.
But come knocking on Tony’s door to see if he will help them.
NO asking for references…
…or examples of past work...
Potential partners are asking if Tony would be WILLING to help them.
It’s a different stance.
Tony and I didn’t talk specifically in Jack Schafer’s terms, however…
All 4 aspects are part of Tony’s approach..
The nice part?
Social handles proximity for us.
If we’re ‘friends’ with a potential partner?
Or in the same communities?
We have proximity.
But the last 3?
The frequency and duration of time people spend with us…
(Before we ever talk to them directly.)
…and the intensity they care about what you have to say?
Tony talks about it in detail.
This Friday I’ll be dropping the interview with Tony to Sinner VIPs.
If you’re doing Substack Co-Ops to get deals (and income) under your belt?
You won’t wanna miss Tony’s approach.
Doing reach outs and cold DMs works, but…
They don’t close the same as people coming to ask for your help.
And as an introvert?
I find it a lot less draining to cherry pick from partners who come knocking on my door.
In your corner,
James Foster
PS - You don’t have to wait until Friday to start doing deals.
You can use Jim Niswonger’s approach to getting leads right now to get into flow or have other people build you a buyers list.