It used to be that you needed mucho dinero to invest if you wanted to earn even a trickle of income.
Want $50,000 a year income?
Easy peasy, just save up $500,000 and get 10%…
What could go wrong? 😆
But now AI is changing all that.
I’m finding little “micro-investments” where I can start with a couple hundred bucks (or less) and get a couple hundred bucks a month income OR MORE!
…and I don’t have to wait 30 years!
Here’s just ONE example:
Last month, I found an AI tool that lets you “clone” Chat GPT into small but very useful tools.
I went with the $ 199-a-month version…
But during the TRIAL…
In about 60 minutes…
Based on my book, I made a neat little tool that creates email subject lines.
I called the tool:👉 Email Subject Lines that Make Em Beg to Buy
All the user does is punch in “who” their avatar is, “what” they are trying to get done and the tone they want.
And presto…
10 Curiosity fondling subject lines pop out!
After they get the subject lines, I make a $10 offer.
I just opened up my Kajabi stats, and I’ve already made 158 sales for $1580.
(There is NO SALES PAGE to write either!)
I then make a recurring offer which pays me $25 a month as an affiliate.
And 20 people have taken the trial.
If 50% stick, I am at $250 monthly recurring…in days.
My investment is covered and the $1580 is pure profit.
Two people already purchased the ANNUAL offer so I got $250 each there.
That’s another $500.
But waaaait theeeeere’s mooooore!
I’ve got one other offer for $1,000 and one person has Paypal’d me for that too.
So all together…
Lemme pull out my calculator:
$1580 + $500 + $1000 = $3080
Not counting the monthly recurring because I don’t know how many people will “stick.”
I will be billed $199 today.
So, that’s not a shabby return so far.
I’ll trade $199 for $3080 every day, even on Sunday!
This is just for one subject line tool I made in under an hour!
Right now, I’m making one that will write the emails using the subject line tool.
I can make an UNLIMITED amount of tools I can “rent out” for investment income.
With my $199 a month investment.
Would you like to see my Email Subject line tool in action?
Several of you have expressed interest in learning more about investing without a bank account the size of Fort Knox.
Investing in AI is like training wheels for learning investing.
I’m curious about you; please take 1 second to tap in your vote…
Thanks in advance!
Rooting For Ya,
Love it!!! 1,547.74% return...
Hey, could you share that $199/mo tool? ;) thanks