Distribution owners?

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im fan-girling so hard with all these Substack posts by Travis Sago 🤓😍 it’s like a dream come true for me📚❤️🙏

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List of partners who have audiences you can tap into?

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Good try. And good list, but not it.

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List of assets?

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Getting on Jeannie’s nice list? 🤷‍♂️🙏🤣

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An investor list!

(for example, real estate buyers)

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6 people who control massive flow/ distribution

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Hmmmm…. Trying to think really hard here, Travis.

Is it a list of 6 people that own large distributions?

You then cook new pies for these 6 people that their audiences will love?

Let me guess….

You become their HEISENBERG.

You are the ONLY person in the market who can cook a “unique pie” with 99.1% purity.

Did I at least scratch the surface? :-D



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List of people who

A) already bought what you’re selling

B) wanna buy more of what you’re selling


C) know other people that fit A and B whom they’d love to introduce you to.

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What if there could ONLY be 6 people on the list? And I needed to generate 6 figures a month with only those 6 people?

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Find 6 people who have large customer lists along with tested and proven high ticket offers (eg a $5,000 program). Help them increase the value of the program to $10,000 by creating a much more compelling offer. Then help them each make on average just over one more sale per week. Earn a 40% referral fee on each sale would get you to 6 figures a month. By increasing the value of their offer they would make more money even after paying you. Your services are then free to them

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While I don’t know the correct term, I hope I’m on the right track by saying “finder”. Connecting buyers to those who sell things.

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Raving fans

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6 raving fans won’t set me for life in 6 months. Maybe I’m not that special? But I don’t need to be special, famous or have to be a genius with this.

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I just cheese so hard as my brain can't help but think through the meta thing you're up to (as I participate in the exercise, lmao).

Is it a list of potential resourceful partners with a good heap of their own resources?

Glad to see you back in action and that your wife is doing better.

Thanks for everything, Travis.

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What's the answer Travis?

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6 equity partners that have multiple 6-7 figures and I can tap into their networks anytime

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Certainly grabbed my interest...

I'm bringing more focus to build a list right now ....

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A list of business owners who have lists of your target audience that you can email or contact in exchange for revenue sharing.

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That’s a darn fine list, but not as good as the one I’m talking about:-)

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Looking forward to you spilling the beans on this one!

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Did you give the answer?

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