This is not the ONLY way to make big money, but the most certain way to make big money starting today I've ever found.
Find at least ONE way to help resourceful people to utilize their resources (assets) better and share in the bounty.
Offer to DEFER PAYMENT until AFTER the result is delivered.
Remove time, money, energy and reputation risk for your partner/client/customer.
Now, it's likely one human out of 1000 will actually do this because of the short-term "I want my money first." mentality of humans.
But, we are a RARE group of humans here!
Follow these 3 steps and you will never want for partners willing to share their resources and assets from databases, to land, to cars, to yachts, to money with you.
Rooting For Ya,
Travis Sago
Always be ready to give first and it will help relationships and money grow.
Brilliantly simple!