How long could you survive financially without working?
A year?
A month?
A week?
In the USA, 64 out of 100 people live paycheck to paycheck.
Missing one or two paychecks swings a wrecking ball smack dab in the middle of their lives.
What’s surprising is even folks who bring in over $100,000 aren’t home-free either.
Guess how many 6 figure earners live paycheck to paycheck?
50 out of 100!
The financial gurus will tell you to have an “emergency fund.”
I don’t think that’s “bad” advice.
But it’s putting a bandage on a gaping chest wound.
The CORE problem isn’t that people can’t save money.
Not being able to save money is an EFFECT of a deeper problem.
The core problemo is how they EARN money.
They’ve been taught and programmed to trade their most valuable and scarce resources: Time and Energy for money.
Money is abundant.
Time and energy is not.
The cuckoos on Capitol Hill are printing trillions more every year.
The problem isn’t lack of money, but how we make our money.
How we were taught to make money is the problem.
We were taught to marry our time to our money.
It’s a marriage that worked last century, maybe, but…
When way over half of folks are living paycheck to paycheck…
It’s not working anymore.
We need a divorce now!
This is the best divorce you could ever get, IMO.
We need to divorce our time from our money.
Scrimping and saving for a pot of emergency loot or a nest egg for 40 years just is just insane in the membrane.
That’s why I try to encourage…
Try to inspire…
Even cajole folks at times to get their FIRST passive income stream going - ASAP!
Just ONE tiny stream will teach folks more about how to get out of the rat race than anything that I know.
That’s why I wrote The Truth About Passive Income earlier this year…
I’ve got Sinners already setting up tiny passive income streams.
They are learning more than they did in a decade-plus of attending school or college about being financially independent.
I’m not saying the “divorce” will be easy.
But we don’t need to rip the bandage off all at once, either.
I remember I felt like a brand new man after getting my first passive income stream going.
It took me a bit because I was working for the man 60 to 70 hours a week.
I woke up at 4 am 7 days a week so I could work on getting just one income stream rolling.
The first one was a muther trucker.
I did it.
It was the first domino that fired me up to tip the second domino, then the third.
And one day, I’d made $200 even before I even had to clock in for work.
I could see light at the end of my financial freedom tunnel!
It was the sweetest damn light I ever saw.
Not long after that, I was out of the rat race.
If you haven’t read The Truth About Passive Income and/or started applying it yet…
I totally get it.
We are already worn down to a nub.
Here’s a tip…
Don’t focus on starting a business.
That’s another huge time suck.
Do focus on just getting ONE passive income stream going.
Just ONE, even if it’s just a few bucks a month.
If you’re like me, the money coming in without your blood, sweat and tears on it will totally change you!
Then get a few more set up.
If you need ideas…
I share some passive income streams that are super time and energy efficient in the upgraded version of the mini-book too.
Folks are setting these up in their spare time.
I know it’s tough to find the time and energy, but I got faith in ya!
You can do this:-)
Rooting For Ya,
PS With all the AI now, setting up passive income streams has never taken less time!
Ok, I'm encouraged...I'm inspired! I'll be DIVORCING my mindset from FEAR to FREEDOM.
You’re speaking out of my soul!