They paid - I rode for free.
It’s James:-)
If I ONLY built my list and not my partners lists…
10 people would NOT have each handed me $100 to buy email ads.
(A thousand bucks total.)
That’s lesson #1.
There ALWAYS has to be a big benefit for your partner(s).
I’m probably preaching to the choir?
The benefit has to be waaaay bigger than the investment you’re asking the partner to make.
… Doesn’t explain why folks didn’t go buy their own email ads. Does it?
That’s lesson #2.
The kind of partners you want…
… The kind that’ll Venmo you a hundred bucks on a plan and a promise…
…They’re busy running their own business.
They (or their team) don’t have time to add something else to their plate.
…Even if it’d be beneficial to them.
Which is why they were happy to just send me money.
I did the work.
…without bugging them or asking them questions…
They just got results.
BTW - this went so well several partners asked if we could do it again for $1k/each instead of $100.
What did I actually do for these partners?
How did I build my list, and theirs, at the same time… on their dime?
How can you do the same thing?
That’s coming later this week:-)
When I first did this - it required fancy expensive software.
I’ll show you how to do it with free tools or tools you already have.
In your corner,
James Foster
PS - Offer for ya…
If I packaged up:
*An AI bot to write posts that would get partner’s reaching out
*A class on researching prospects’ present pains (so ya know what to write about)
*Included Tony Teegarden’s secret sauce for getting big $ referrals
*And added checklists and quick start guides…
If I tied everything up in a bow…
…Gave you a salesletter, squeeze page, and emails to sell the offer…
..And you could keep 100% of the profit…
Would you want it?
Or is that totally lame?
If you want everything above - give this email a heart.
Or comment works too.
i'm in
Sounds cool James! 😎