I remember making $5,000 a month working 60+ hours a week for a point-of-sale dealer in my tiny town.
Between the job, husband and dad stuff, I figured if I could start a business that made $50,000 a month…
After expenses and overhead, I’d likely be able to earn enough to fund my lifestyle.
Just 10X it!
So easy, right?
Now, maybe because I’m not Grant Cardone…
I couldn’t figure out a $ 50,000-a-month business from where I was starting.
Not much capital.
Not much spare time.
Frankly, I was on my last shred of energy wheat after working 12 hours a day and all the other fam stuff.
I tried.
I failed multiple times.
Jeannie, my wife, bless her, was always my #1 fan.
One of my spectacular failures was a business called: Road Runners
The idea was simple.
We’d deliver food from a restaurant to hungry customers for restaurants that didn’t have delivery service.
One problem?
This was 2002!
I was about 20 years too early with the idea, lol.
I could sign up restaurants super easy…
But trying to get $50,000 monthly from $5 delivery fees from consumers after paying the driver…
Let’s say I didn’t have the right stuff to figure it out.
This was a super embarrassing fail for me because my father-in-law helped get the business up and running for us.
“Hey, Dad! I screwed the pooch on this one too!”
Ugh. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
One day, on a 4-hour drive to a Wendy’s in El Dorado, Arkansas, to fix their computer system…
I had a brainstorm.
What if instead of trying to make $50,000 a month in a business…
I made the goal to make the SAME $5,000, but figure out how to do it in 1/10th the time?
It takes me 240 hours a month to clear $5,000.
What if instead of trying to make $50,000 a month by squeezing in more hours (which I didn’t have)…
What if I tried to make the same $5,000 monthly in less than 6 hours a week?
Now, this didn’t seem “easy” at the time.
But I sweatergawd it sure sounded more possible to make $1250 more a week in 6 hours…to me…as a dude who is NOT Tony Robbins or something.
What also struck me like a bolt of lightning was…
There was no way in heck I would make $5k a month in 1/10th the time starting a TRADITIONAL business.
I’d already tried that and failed so many times.
My new 1/10th Model made this flaw in my thinking stand out like a turd in a punch bowl.
I needed someone or SOMETHING to do the “work” for me.
“Someone” wasn’t appealing to me at all because I didn’t want to MANAGE people.
Heck, I didn’t want to HIRE people.
So me doing “SEO” as a service, getting someone ELSE to do the work, would add time, energy and a money requirement I totally didn’t have.
It would be me trying to “start a business” again.
Which meant…
I had to get SOMETHING to do the work for me, not SOMEBODY and certainly that somebody couldn’t be ME…
If I wanted to 1/10th my time and energy.
I needed to invest in something that put $5,000 a month in pure profit in my pocket.
I also had SOME savings…
But I didn’t know any TRADITIONAL investments that would put $5k a month in profit in my pocket without having at least $500,000 and/or 5-star credit.
However, I was a persistent SOB.
The Reverse 10X Method…
(or the boring-sounding 1/10th method, LOL, I don’t think I’ll write a book with THAT as the title.)
Was a FRAME for me to get workable answers for ME as a regular Joe computer tech, dad and husband.
I needed to be able to invest a LITTLE time and a LITTLE money (that’s all I had) in an investment that could NOT be real estate, stocks, bonds, gold or whatever CNBC was pimpin.
Reviewing to myself…
I wanted the lifestyle more than the money. It made sense that if I could make the $5,000 a month, which covered all my living expenses in 1/10th the time, I’d unlock more money, TOO.
I had to become an “investor” rather than a “businessman” because I didn’t want to hire and manage a bunch of people.
I had to make small investments of time and money and get big returns…
Not make big investments for small returns.
In short…
I had to become a “micro-investor”.
With my micro-investor hat and goggles…
I started to look at everything differently.
I started to see small, tiny investments I could make almost everywhere.
I started making them in my “spare time”.
Now, some of them failed spectacularly.
They were tiny failures. Nobody even noticed.
but then…
I started to “hit”.
Money started to come in.
I could invest an hour or two…and create a $ 500-a-month income stream.
Then, since that income stream didn’t require my time or energy…
I could create another one and another one.
As my income streams grew WITHOUT added time or elbow grease…
I got more and more stoked.
One morning BEFORE I went to work…
I will never forget…
I had made more money overnight than I would make working all day.
I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And I wasn’t just “flipping” stuff.
That’s a business.
Flipping almost anything…
Real Estate, sofas, iPhones, sneakers, etc…
Can make money, but it’s a business.
Find a Sofa. Buy a sofa. Move a sofa. Clean a sofa. Sell a sofa. Deliver a sofa. Repeat.
Can make money.
I didn’t have time for that!
I didn’t have the back or energy for that.
I needed to make TIME.
I need to make ENERGY.
As a micro-investor, I HAD to invest once and get paid off many, many times.
Another great day for me in the adventures as a micro-investor…
Was the day I gave my boss the middle finger award.
That was a good, good day!
As fine as that day was…
One of the best memories of my entire life was when I fanned out a dozen checks I had received for Jeannie to check out…
(This is when many people still paid with checks.)
Jeannie has the most angelic blue eyes you’ll ever see…
She looked up at me…
Put her arms around me…
Locked eyes and said, “I am so proud of you. I knew you’d get us here.”
After all my failures…
I could’ve died right that minute, a happy man.
These are the reasons why…
On September 19th…
Promptly at 1 pm Central…
If you care to join?
I am going to share some of the micro-investments I made back then…
I am going to share some micro-investments I am making now…
I will also share why, in 2023, the world is a candy store for an assertive micro-investor.
For full-frontal transparency…
You’ve got first to become an ACTIVE micro-investor…
Before you can become a PASSIVE micro-investor.
In my experience…
It’s way simpler and doable for the world's NON-Grant Cardones and NON-Gary Vees.
It won’t be as sexy as me pumping my fist and shouting, “JUST TEN X IT BRO!”
But it finally bought this ex-Navy and ex-computer tech time freedom!
I wonder what it can do for you?
If you’re open to finding out register below…