There Are Only 3 Ways to Get Paid
Which One You Choose Decides If You Can Retire Young or Old...
I wish someone would’ve shared this with me when I got out of high school.
You can get paid for:
*Your Time
*Selling a Prahdukt
*Renting Something
We all know selling our time and saving for 30 to 40 years doesn’t work out too well for most.
Selling a prahdukt is better.
The odds are still against the average person though.
You have to BUY SUPER CHEAP.
You have to SELL CHEAP.
You have to try not to ruin your life and go broke trying to run a business that sells a prahdukt.
You have to buy CHEAP every day.
You’ve got to sell, sell, sell all the live long day.
You’ve got to have great margin.
If the price of your widget goes up…or the price of delivering your widget goes up…
Welcome to business hell.
And if you’re selling someone else’s time…
You’re still selling a prahdukt!
Welcome to the grind!
You’ve got to buy employees’/contractors’ time uber cheap and then still sell, sell, sell baby!
I don’t get out much…
But most business owners and freelancers I know WORK MORE than employees.
It seemed like the “dream” to stop clocking in for one boss.
But then they end up with dozens of bosses called clients and customers.
…and they still end up late for supper!
Many business owners DREAM of the BIG EXIT to escape the hamster wheel they’re on.
This brings us to the 3rd way to get paid…
We only need to buy cheap once.
We don’t have to sell, sell, sell because…
We can rent it out month after month, so we don’t wake up every day wondering where the next sale will come from.
If our living expenses are $5,000 a month and we bring in $5,000 a month in NET rental income…we’re home-free.
“Now, hold on Sago!” I can hear you sayin’.
“If I had enough money to BUY homes to rent…or a fleet of cars…or land I could lease…I’d do it already.”
So the question that can retire a dude or dudette early is:
What can you rent that doesn’t require tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to acquire in the first place?