I wish it weren’t true.
Most freelancing and side hustles come with one scant scoop of extra income…
…and three heaping scoops of “boss.”
If you freelance for 10 clients…
You now have 10 bosses.
If you side hustle for Uber Eats…
Then you run the roads for 10 “clients” or more per shift.
Don’t get me wrong.
I am extremely grateful to get food brought to my door.
I’ve got some amazing employees too.
Many folks want and need a boss.
There is nothing wrong with it.
I needed a boss in my 20’s and maybe even part of my early 30’s.
In my mid-30s, though…
I’d kinda outgrown them.
I knew freelancing as a copywriter…working for multiple clients wasn’t for me.
Yes, I’d make more money working for 10 bosses than one boss…
But it wasn’t money I was after.
I wanted to call my own shots.
I didn’t want a calendar blacked out with client calls.
I didn’t want to have to “show my face” and get people’s approval to make my living.
I wanted to remove NEEDINESS from my life on multiple levels.
I cut my teeth as an affiliate marketer.
It was perfect for me.
I got paid to put my “copywriting” between an audience and an offer, then make commissions.
I didn’t have to punch a time clock.
I didn’t have to deliver a service or prahdukt.
Do you know what else it taught me?
It is totally possible to make a good living without selling my time to anybody.
It still left me vulnerable.
I used SEO and paid ads on Google and Facebook to drive traffic.
I had to march to their tune.
I don’t like marching to other people’s tunes.
I absolutely don’t want my financial survival resting on pleasing anybody.
This led me to one of the biggest breakthroughs in my life…
How to make a great living without needing any one person’s or business’s approval.
I don’t have to be the “face” of the prahdukt.
I don’t need to pay a dime for traffic.
I don’t have to deliver the service.
I show up.
I write some copy that gets used over and over.
I make it rain.
I get paid a royalty or commission. (This is often ongoing if I am selling a monthly service or software.)
I can repeat and stack income without stacking bosses:-)
I dunno if this appeals to you?
I help a group of Royalty Ronin (Samurai with NO MASTERS) create income day in and day out…with NO BOSSES.
It’s not for everyone.
You’ve gotta be able to motivate yourself.
(Most people can’t that’s why they do better with bosses.)
You’ve gotta have GUTS.
We do 5-figure and 6-figure deals.
They don’t fall into our lap.
We go hunt them down.
In my 30’s…
As a young man…
I had to make a decision.
Was I going to become a hunter?
or spend my life working for a hunter?
There’s no shame in either game.
But becoming the hunter and calling my own shots served me way better.
If you’re open to it…
I’ve put together a preview of what we do in Ronin.
Rooting For Ya,
The relationships built in there are incredible. Seeing someone is a fellow Ronin requires very little vetting for deals. Never been part of a better community.
Jump in while it’s open!