The Self Multiplying Money Machine (Part 2)
The cheesy center of the Set For Life in 6 Months plate of nachos..
If you missed part 1 of The Self Multiplying Money Machine? Please take it in first before continuing this adventure…
Today is the CENTER of The Self Multiplying Money Machine…
As Doug Heffernan from King of Queens might tell ya, “This is the nucleus of the plate of nachos…you must honor the nacho nucleus!”
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Let’s get to the gooey center:
The highest purpose of a product is NOT to make sales or money.
This is what we’re all taught.
Get a product.
Whether it’s your time, a skill, a degree, a service or a widget.
Then sell the bejeezus out of it for moolah.
Trading products for money works.
It’s worked since the dawn of time.
The problem is putting the focus on the product and money is EXACTLY what stops us from being set for life in (much) shorter amounts of time.
An example almost always helps, yeah?
Let’s start with Bill Gates.
We’ve all heard the story of how he “sold” licensing to a product he didn’t own (yet) to IBM.
And because we’ve been so programmed to revere product…
We haven’t “heard” much about what REALLY set him for life.
Sure, he got control of a great product.
Bill didn’t say, “That’ll be a billion bucks please.”
Nope. Bill knew a HIGHER and MUCH BETTER use of a product when it comes to fast wealth generation.
And that wealth has less to do with money…
…and everything to do with CONTROL of DISTRIBUTION.
Now, don’t fuzz out on me because these may be new-ish words.
They will change your life.
They changed Bill’s life.
They changed MY life.
The higher and better use of a product is to GET CONTROL of DISTRIBUTION!
How did Gates get control of distribution?
He told IBM that getting DOS was conditional on them:
*Including DOS with every computer they shipped out.
*Making the customer's data available to him.
*Letting him offer upgrades.
Now, every computer that went out, when it booted up said, “Microsoft MS-DOS”.
And guess what happened when other computer manufacturers saw the “DOS”?
They wanted it too!
And do you think he made them the same Self Multiplying Money Machine deal?
You bet your Jalapenos he did!
Look, I don’t even remember what kind of computer I had back then, but I DO remember it ran with MS-DOS!
Now, I wanna give you some examples from my life.
Because I’m just a dude from Arkansas.
I’m no Bill Gates.
I’ve got low self-esteem.
I get excited when a new season of Cobra Kai comes out.
(Could be the reason this note took longer to get to ya?)
At one of the lowest points in my life…
Tryna be a good guy and sell my prahdukt, I went broke. Again!
Little did I know it at the time, but this would be the LAST time I went broke.
Because I figured out the nucleus of wealth which was getting control of distribution.
I also figured out, that you didn’t have to be Bill Gates.
…the average Joe could do it.
What I did was call nearly every office in my town and ask if they’d like to receive daily FAX with the lunch specials and coupons from the restaurants here in town.
They LOVED the idea.
The office managers were calling other office managers helping me spread the word…
In less than 6 months’ time…
I had 200 offices fax numbers and CONTROL OF DISTRIBUTION.
And was bringing in $3,000 to $5,000 a month pushing ‘send’ on my Winfax software once in the evening.
Now, I did have to sell it, but it sold like crazy because it worked like crazy.
I’d charge $200 - $400 per month for each restaurant for access to my distribution of fax machines.
I had restaurants getting 2nd phone lines put in just to handle the carry-out orders.
I then built relationships with almost every restaurant/restaurant owner in town…(more distribution) and I worked deals with them getting control of their distribution where I swear I was making more per day in profit than they did running the restaurant selling THEIR PRODUCT.
I’ll shed more light on that another time.
But, what I want you to hug like it’s your best friend is…
mmm kay?
Now, how about an online example?
In 2004 or so?
I figured out how to use article sites and classified ads to rank on Google in 24 to 48 hours.
This doesn’t sound like a big deal now, but in 2004, you had to figure out Wordpress or Frontpage, ftp and SEO back linking.
And you had to backlink and word stuff your site until the cows came home to get on Google. It could take months,
but, I could get DISTRIBUTION in as little as 24 hours with jenky-ass classified sites like US Freeads… piggybacking off THEIR distribution.
I could rank for keywords and start watching affiliate sales come in within days.
And it was using ALL FREE TOOLS.
My wife, Jeannie saw what I was doing and said, “This is so simple you could take a homeless person to the public library and show them how to do this.”
I was like, “YEAH!”
And with her idea as inspiration, I called it the Bum Marketing Method.
Here was my Bill Gates moment, kinda.
I knew I had something here.
I could have easily turned it into a product and sold it.
I decided to put up a 3-page tutorial site and let everyone have at it in exchange for an email address.
And BECAUSE BUM MARKETING WORKED…and shaved MONTHS off the current way of getting ranked.
Everyone was telling everyone.
Crazy though, was MANY folks started making PAID PRODUCTS out of it.
Putting the words “Bum Marketing” in there.
…and I just let them do it.
Do ya know why?
I wasn’t playing checkers…I was playing CHESS!
They were building my distribution for me.
I was getting thousands of people who could SEO on keyword phrases.
And what did they need?
Stuff to sell!
Now, I was making tens of thousands of dollars per month selling my list tools, courses and other stuff as an affiliate.
And I could have kept selling them PRAHDUKT!
Was putting products through their distribution.
This led to…
30,000+ visitors per DAY.
$10k+ in sales per day like clockwork.
Ad cost on average per day? Zero.
How many people on my payroll? Three (Including myself).
This was an average day.
It was a crazy thing to see when I gave them a video or piece of content…
It would end up on HUNDREDS of blogs, Youtube channels, articles, classified sites, and these things called Squidoo Lenses.
I was a top ten vendor on Clickbank, not just in my category, but overall for 5+ years.
Of course, I didn’t stop there.
I started using the distribution to distribute other people’s products for a percentage.
Today, we get control of CUSTOMER DATABASES in the tens or hundreds of thousands which took the owner years to build.
Sometimes in a 15-minute convo.
And we get 50% commissions selling products to their distribution on the regular.
I’ve had people who speak English as a 2nd language take my Back End Agency Program…
…start from scratch…get control of a customer database (distribution) and start cash flowing for $10k per month and more…in 6 weeks (let alone 6 months).
I’ve got half a dozen stories in between.
I can’t share them all in one day.
Here’s some fun-work:
Up to you if you want to do it or not?
It changed my life…
Write down: “Get Control of Distribution” and put it somewhere where you can see it so you never forget DISTRIBUTION > Product.
For bonus points, snap a photo and comment below.
Rooting For Ya,
PS I have very low self-esteem. I need to see comments, shares and questions, or my ego can’t handle it and I will just go watch some more Cobra Kai.
PPS THANK YOU for all the shares on part one! There were over 122 shares! I hoped you get USE out of today. Please continue to share to soothe my low esteem and get even MORE!
PPPS Can you think of some examples of companies that SKYROCKETED into existence by getting control of distribution? (comment below.)
I did a distribution deal where every new customer I got for my product was auto subscribed (shared) to Agora Financial’s list. Agora then paid me 50% of all products they sold to those peeps. Came out to over $200k/month in free money for me. Agora are experts at email marketing so it was a no brainer. In hindsight they basically used the SMMM on me and I’m glad they did!
Dr Phil crushed it with Oprah’s distribution!!! She’s launched plenty of brands from her distribution. Smart lady.