Most people would judge anyone with 390 losses and 10 wins as the record of a loser.
Warren Buffet says he made 400 investments, but only 10 are responsible for a bulk of his billions.
Whatta LOSER!! 😆
How BIG your wins are.
How SMALL your losses are.
Matters far more than the win/loss ratio.
Make sure your wins are big and losses are small.
That IS the formula for winners.
The formula for losers is to avoid action because they could "lose".
Now, a human isn’t a “winner” or a “loser”.
We are ALL valuable.
We get brainwashed into following the Loser’s Formula in school, social programming and on the boob tube.
We get tricked into thinking a “loss” is BAD!
That’s why I want to DEPROGRAM the Loser’s Formula of obsessing over “win/loss ratios”.
It’s one of my missions in life.
Especially when it comes to how we play the investment game.
Wall Street and the financial gurus program people with the “Loser’s Formula”.
They have folks risk their life savings on investments they have NO CONTROL over.
Which means there is very little “cover your ass” protection.
(Guess who is REALLY making the money? Wall Street! Their returns on YOUR money are guaranteed, but YOU can lose it ALL.)
There are NON-TRADITIONAL investments where we can flip over to the Winner’s Formula quite simply…
…where we might take tiny losses, but when we win… we win big.
Here are five examples of some NON-TRADITIONAL investments I made this month. These aren’t stocks, bonds, options, forex, crypto or real estate.
*I invested $250 and got a $21,000 return in less than 1 month.
*I invested $500 and got nearly a 5-figure return in 5 days. (I can create several of these per month.)
*I also invested $1300 and got a ZERO dollar return. (I am such a LOSER!)
*I invested $145 and only made $80 back. (Dang, I suck.)
*I invested $55 and made $40. (Why does my momma even love me?)
The win/loss ratio says 3 losses and 2 wins…
According to my high school AP teacher, that win/loss ratio makes me an “F” student!
Lemme whip out my calculator.
This loser made $28,870 on $2,250.
Just last month.
I’ll take that! 😆
Would you be okay with that?
If you’re down…
It’s time for another Sinner Zoom Shindig.
On September 19th at 1 PM Central time…
I am going deep on the Winner’s Formula for NON-Traditional investments normal people can make.
If you’ve already invested to upgrade…
Press that brown button gently and grab your spot on Zoom.
I’m gonna comb my hair and everything.
If you’re not a paid Sinner yet…
You can get rollin’ with 8 bucks below.
The downside is small.
The upside is big.
Grab your seat to our next Zoom Shindig below: