Call me Captain Obvious...
Call me a Simpleton...
Even call me an idiot...
But idiots get rich🤪
If an idiot followed this plan, like REALLY DID IT…
…it would be hard to ONLY make $1,000 a day.
But most people…
…and especially Braniacs won’t do it because it seems too simple.
I’m gonna lay it out anyway.
Just in case there is someone who reads this that DIGS simple plans.
I am going to use “👉” so you know I mean business!
The Cap'n Obvious Way to $1000 a Day
👉 Own a list (or get access to one). If it's your list, you only need 100 people to START averaging $1,000 a day. Continue to grow it, but EARN while you LEARN. Every list starts with the FIRST SUBSCRIBER!
👉 Have a $1,000 offer you've created or licensed. You can "test" an offer as an affiliate, but you can do much better than a 50% commission by licensing. License out an offer you can feel PROUD OF and has a track record of getting folks results. License out as much of the marketing/sales materials as you can. Make sure you license an EVERGREEN offer so you can sell it for years. 👉 (If you've got a knack for creating winning offers, you probably are already making $1,000 a day. If you're not making $1k a day, license BEFORE you spend 3 months - 3 years trying to create a program that gets consistent results.)
👉 Have a way to take money for fuck's sake! Again, Cap'n Obvious, but I just had to mail a check to a dude because he didn't take credit cards or Paypal. If you don't have BUY BUTTONS, you won't sell anything. Guess what? The dude I had to mail the check to is broke. Why? NO buy buttons!
👉 Mail EVERY DAY! Focus on your audience's PRESENT PAINS...give them a NEW, clearly different, and desirable way out. Use the Triangle of Insight and practice getting it down so you can write an email and press send in 20 minutes or less every day. If you stay in your prospect's world of problems and use the won't "burn out" your list.
Lemme summarize what to do:
👉Get and grow a list.
👉👉Have a $1,000 offer.
👉👉👉Mail every day.
Please allow me to summarize what NOT to do:
👎Don't get a website. You don't need it starting out. (Google Docs, a landing page to get optins and a way to take money are all you need. I've done millions with Google Docs.)
👎👎Don't agonize over what autoresponder to use. Get one a lot of folks are using so you can Google, YT or get help if you need it. Aweber is ok. Convert Kit is ok. Pussy footing around for 3 months researching it is NOT ok.
👎👎👎Don't WAIT! Every day you don't put this plan into action COSTS YOU $1,000 A DAY! Waiting is what is expensive. If $1,000 a day was mistakenly deducted from your savings, how many days would you WAIT to fix it? One? Two? 35 days? That'll be $35,000 please! 👉 DON'T WAIT! 👈
Cap'n Obvious out!
Rooting for Ya,
PS Got questions? Need help with the Cap’n Obvious Way to $1k a day?
ASK ME ANYTHING on Zoom next Tuesday (Feb 27th)
Grab a seat below: