I was bored AF!
Working in a stuffy little mailroom with the printer whirring and whistling and the “clank, clank, clank” of the letter folder.
I was sorting envelopes by zip code to get ready to be bulk mailed in San Diego.
What I didn’t know: I was about to make the biggest financial discovery of my life.
The discovery paved the way for me to semi-retire at age 38…
…WITHOUT millions in the bank.
…WITHOUT a portfolio of real estate and being a slave to a bank for 30 years
…WITHOUT eating rice and beans until I wanted to rip my own tongue out to tie it into a knot and strangle myself…just so I could sock every penny away into some stock ETF for the best years of my youth and life.
I started to call this the 30-Year Wealth Shortcut as I shared it with other hard-working guys and gals who were as impatient as me.
It’s a big part of the philosophy of Set For Life in 6 Months.
I’m thrilled to share it with you now.
If you missed Part 1 of the Quantum Money Leap, I’m lovingly linking it for you below:
As a slight recap: I left off with the big, life-changing question:
“How do I get assets without having to pay for them?”
This is the question I’ve never seen asked?…
…let alone answered in the 100’s of books I’ve read.
It’s the answer I found, bored AF, on a sunny day in San Diego stuck in a stuffy mailroom.
The Day I Discovered the 30 Year Wealth Shortcut
So, I was working for a super savvy insurance agent from the Principal Financial Group…
We’d worked a deal where if I’d provide the muscle to send out mail from a small office he rented and purchased all the mailing equipment, then he’d sponsor me to get my insurance license and we could share leads that came in from the mailing.
I was about to get out of the navy and I wanted my insurance license. I’d already got a series 7 license (to sell securities) by doing a similar deal where I cold-called for a stockbroker.
This was a great deal for both of us.
He didn’t have time to do the mailings himself.
I needed a company to sponsor me.
I didn’t have the thousands of dollars to generate leads, let alone buy mailing lists and mailing equipment and such to generate business.
The printer goes “Whirrrrr”…
The Pitney Bowes machines go, “Clank, Clank, Clank.”
And I’m sweating my ass off shuffling envelopes into zip slots.
I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself.
“Why does it have to be this hard?”
“It’s Saturday, I’ve gotta beautiful girlfriend at home. We could be at the beach, blah, blah.” little Travis on my shoulder sings his sad lil’ drama.
When it hit me…
The answer to the question:
“How do I get assets without having to pay for them?”
It’s staring me right in the damn face!
Here I am…
In an office space that is paid for and only used one or two days a week, BY ME…when I mail for Tony.
That space likely cost $2,000 or more a month.
Then there’s about $20,000 of mailing equipment and software if purchased new.
Then he’s PURCHASED the databases from the county we are mailing to. (We mailed people who took out new mortgages and new baby lists.)
Not to mention all the postage and paper.
I thought to myself, “Holy heck! I’ve got CONTROL of the assets. I’ve been thinking of assets too narrowly. I’ve only thought of assets as stocks, real estate and cash.”
Assets can be any RESOURCE that can be USED.
I also realized something else…
It was/is BIG…
Most resources, like the mailroom, go largely UNUSED.
Resources are PLENTIFUL.
Resourceful people have resources.
Resourceful people ALSO realize that most of their resources are not anywhere near being used as much as they could be.
Could it be they are secretly hoping that some person chock full of creativity and leadership comes along to help them utilize the resources they don’t have the time, creativity or energy to get to?
Could it be as simple as making an offer to better utilize a resource that’d get me an asset to use WITHOUT having to pay for it?
So, the next week, I asked Tony (based from my memory this is how the convo went):
“What do you do with that mailroom when I’m not there?”
(I already knew the answer.)
Tony said, “Well, nothing.”
I asked, “I bet there are a lot of businesses in San Diego who’d like more leads? and don’t want to spend $20,000 on mailing equipment or risk it on a big mailing print house or whatever. If I could get clients to mail for and I did all the work could I use the mailroom during the week? We’d just split the profits?”
Tony only had one concern…
“No insurance companies, and you can do whatever you want.”
That was it.
I now had a whole gosh darn mail room as an asset!
Now, I wish I could tell ya I “crushed it”.
I set up a couple of profitable deals.
One with a bi-weekly mortgage company -The other with a loan factoring company.
Both were lucrative for me and Tony at the time, but most of the deals I set up didn’t pan out well.
I didn’t have the emotional intelligence to know at the time that I had a tiger by the tail if I didn’t take the “losses” so seriously.
But it crushed me every time I got a deal that didn’t pan out.
The reality was that I only got about half a dozen deals and TWO worked out to be super great.
That’s a story for another day.
As the parade of life moved on…
I used the 30-Year Wealth Shortcut over and over and over…
I got control of cars. (I’d get dirty pigs auto dealers didn’t want, clean them up and run them to an auto auction.)
I got control of fax numbers of all the big offices in my city and sold access to restaurant owners.
I got control of traffic in various ways from piggybacking off SEO’d webistes to pizza boxes.
I got control of unused radio air time to promote my products. (I basically turned radio stations into my affiliate.)
I got control of thousands of blogs, Youtube channels, email lists all promoting my stuff with affiliate programs.
Now, some resources took more elbow grease and time to pull off than others.
What I’ve discovered since discovering the 30-Year Wealth Shortcut is some resources can be IMMEDIATELY cash flowed with little energy output from me.
…Others will wear your ass out.
The one resource/asset I’ve helped other folks get control of which turns into cash faster and easier than any others I’ve found (doing this for decades) is OTHER PEOPLE’S CUSTOMER LISTS…
Most biz owner’s don’t mail their customer lists…
And the few that do…
There are still SEVERAL different ways to get MORE USE from their asset they don’t have the time, creativity or bandwidth to get to.
I’ve watched (several) young bucks who speak English as a 2nd language set up $2k a week cash flows (profit) in weeks…starting with no resources of their own.
And they do it with all free tools starting out…
Now, I don’t know if you’d use something like that?
If I offered to give you everything you need to write ONE (4 or 5 paragraph) email, send it to someone ELSE'S list and bank $1,000 a week MINIMUM...per partner...
Would you take me up on it?
===> Yes, gimme the details to bolt on $1k a week to my biz!
(I'll also offer to give you all the starter templates, agreements, check-off lists and more that have allowed folks who speak English as a 2nd language to kick butt with this. I'd call this a recurring revenue machine in a box, but it's all in Kajabi waiting for ya!)
Rooting For Ya,
This is a no brainer on the value alone!! See you on the inside😄
Love it, in!