Set for life in 6 months? or 6 decades?
It took my dad's death for me to get this - I want to save you a decade or three...
What’s shakin’ SINner?
Travis here…
Pop quiz from our last visit:
What is AVA?
If you answered Acquire Valuable Assets…without peeking.
High five!
You are on your way to being Set In 6 Months!
Now, for the bonus round.
What is FUA?
It’s kind of a trick question.
Fuck yoU Ability to AVA —> Fuck yoU Assets —> Fuck You Money
I know I’m throwin’ a lot at ya.
My dad passed away when I was 37 years old.
I knew (intellectually) life is short before he died.
The day he died I knew it EXPERENTIALLY.
He’d asked me to go fishing with him for months.
I always told him I was working.
He’d always smile and say, “I’m proud of you Travy.”
Then one day he died.
Take ONE guess where I was at?
I never got to fish with my old man ever again.
That was the day I woke up.
I quit fucking around.
At age 38 I gave my boss the middle finger award.
And this is why I believe my time with you today is important.
How FAST we get to Financial Independence comes down to the “V” in AVA:
We want to acquire VALUABLE assets.
Most folks have an intellectual understanding of value, but not a working/useful EXPERIENTIAL understanding of value.
Two very different things.
Muddy understanding keeps them working for decades and trying to build assets that aren’t nearly as valuable as they think.
Let’s clear this up pronto!
EXAMPLE: Coaching
I am not saying not to coach or mentor someone.
I do it.
I can’t NOT do it. (That’s the main reason.)
But, I don’t do it for the money primarily.
Money is what I want my VALUABLE ASSETS to do for me though.
I want to COLLECT money from my valuable assets.
I want to COLLECT royalties, rent, payments, etc from my VALUABLE ASSETS.
Not EARN money selling my time and RELATIVELY un-valuable mentoring.
Now, as I write that…
I’m like, “Well, good job Sago! Nobody will buy your mentoring now!”
This is soooooo important.
What makes something more valuable than something else?
Well for one…
How MANY people WANT access, control or ownership of it?
Let me use land versus coaching as an example.
How many folks want Sago’s mentoring?
Like, laying in bed at night figuring out ways to save up for Sago mentoring?
I’d like to think bajillions, but probably not even 5 people.
And I how hard is it to create that demand for even 5 people to want mentoring?
Hard as nailing Jello to a tree!
Now, how many people DREAM about owning land?
How many people are saving up for land?
How many people WANT it right now?
And it’s almost in our DNA to want a lil piece of Earth to call our own.
You would NOT BELIEVE the demand there is just for a piece of land here in Arkansas.
Just this week I purchased a 5-acre out in B.F.E. Arkansas.
We have our photographer put “for sale” signs up for us.
The next day we start getting calls.
One call is from the neighbor mad because 5 people stopped at her house to find out details.
Last year, I bought a 3-acre plot in Fort Smith.
We put the sign in the ground on Friday.
Took numerous calls during the weekend and sold it for $33,000 profit the following week.
I’ve got numerous examples of built-in demand like this.
If I put a sign in my yard today that said, “Mentoring with Sago.”
I’d eat 7-day-old sauerkraut if I got 7 calls in 7 years!
Ya feel me?
Getting SI6 (Set in 6) months requires NO BULLSHITTING ourselves.
How MANY people want an asset?
How LONG they’ve wanted an asset?
What is the SIZE of the investment to obtain the asset?
These are just some of the things that make an asset VALUABLE.
Now, if getting set in 6 decades is okay with someone?
If they’re in no hurry…
Then let THEM do all the vision boards, affirmations and self-help they want.
But money don’t give a shit ™
Money comes from other people, but ONLY 100% of the time.
And other PEOPLE only hand over money for things they value MORE THAN THE MONEY.
So if we want to get set in 6 months we want to aVa!
The bigger the VALUE the faster and bigger we can cash flow.
One of my real estate mentors did a deal where he purchased 300 acres for $65,000 down and $15,000 a month for 100 months.
He subdivided the 300 acres into smaller parcels. (Smaller parcels appeal to WAY more people than a big 300-acre spread.)
He then offered it on payments. (Opening it up for millions more people.)
And he sold out in months! (Less than 6)
Get this…
He receives $70,000 a MONTH.
Subtract the $15,000 a month on his note…
And you got $55,000 a month left over.
On ONE SI6 land deal.
And guess who does all the work?
He may need to manage the notes a bit.
but good ol’ Earth is doing the delivery.
Do ya see why I want to invest time with you on painting the V in value?
Huddle in another lil’ bit…
I want to invest a few more minutes with you.
Because there is something else I want you to see.
Land, Coaching, Mentoring, and Widgets are all PRODUCTS.
PRODUCTS have the shortest shelf life and are the least valuable “class” of assets.
And they are not the “best” assets for making money.
Yet, this is where even salty business people screw up.
They put all their focus on their product.
And products are like horses.
They have a tendency to go lame and die.
Focusing too much on “monetizing product” is why it takes them decades to get to FU Assets and FU money.
Products are wonderful assets to create MORE VALUABLE ASSETS though.
But I feel like I may be about to overflow someone’s buffer?
I hate it when that happens.
So, let’s go deeper on that another day.
Rooting For Ya,
PS BTW: If you’re selling coaching, mentoring or anything, don’t stop selling it based on this lesson. One reason I sell so much mentoring is I’m not selling MENTORING, I’m selling what they can DO with the mentoring which is far more valuable than getting my time.
BUT, in our next rap session…I am going to talk about how to leverage product into far more VALUABLE assets.
Almost nobody knows or does this.
That’s why it’s almost like taking candy from a baby going up against real estate agents and other land investors.
PPS You’ve got my hearty okay to share or forward this using the handy button below.
I always love the shiznick you put out boss!!!