I wish I were awesomer.
I’m not.
It’s ok.
I’ve got tools.
Tools of leverage.
Just like nuking a tater in minutes doesn’t make me an awesome cook.
Just like I can get to Walmart in 9 minutes in my Caddie…but it would take me 90 minutes walking…
I can make $5k in sales while streaming Sons of Anarchy, sitting on my big white sofa with my feet propped up.
Tony Robbins would wag his finger at me in shame.
Fuck it.
Just gimme a time-saving tool and leave me alone, Robbins!
I’ve learned how to use tools.
I’ve even invented some.
I just wrote a book about one that lets me “nuke” sales in a fraction of the time, rather than doing it the old-fashioned way.
It doesn’t make me any awesomer though.
I’m doing a free class for everyone who pre-ordered Make Em Beg to Buy…
At 1 pm central…
Everyone will see how NOT awesome I am.
I bet the tools I give them today blow them away.
And when they start “nuking” sales from their sofa…
I hope their wives and husbands are as proud of them as my wife Jeannie is of me.
Rooting For Ya,
PS If you've already pre-ordered, THANK YOU!
I will see ya at 1 pm Central today! (I'm gonna comb my hair and stuff.)
If you haven't pre-ordered and want to see how NOT awesome I am, but the tools I use to ring in 6 figures in sales in a day without sales calls and other stuff...
===>Pre-order here, put a shirt on and join us at 1pm Central