QUESTION 1: How do you make it a cinch to make $1,000 in a day?
(Even in a one-person biz?)
ANSWER: Invest prolonged focus on making $1,000 in an hour.
QUESTION 2: How do you make it easy breezy to make $1,000 in an hour?
ANSWER: Invest prolonged focus on making $1,000 in a minute.
Pick your number.
Add so many constraints your thoughts scream, “IMPOSSIBLE!”
But keep focusing, failing and adjusting like it is possible.
(Belief has nothing to do with it.)
What happens is you use courage, commitment and creativity to force a breakthrough.
The breakthrough is “magic” to the old paradigm.
The old paradigm now seems easy. (Like the $1,000 a day is easy when you’ve focused and broke through the $1,000 a minute barrier.)
BTW: This is always more fun and (sometimes) faster when you’re doing it together with other courageous, committed and creative people.
That's why in Royalty Ronin...
We are getting ready to kick off the $1,000 in a Minute Challenge
I’m releasing a super low-tech campaign where I’m making big-ticket sales in 1 minute-ish.
If they have list and product GREAT!
But the $1,000 in a Minute Challenge is even easier using someone ELSE'S list and product because they don't have to DELIVER the service/product.
Traffic, product and list are not required.
I’m laying it all out in a training that’s shorter than an episode of Yellowstone.
…it’s down and dirty right now…
But the “magic” is we are doing it together.
Lives will be changed during the challenge.
Are you up for a fun challenge?
And maybe you won’t hit $1,000 a minute?
But IF you committed to the $1,000 a minute…
Betcha dollars to donuts, pulling off $1,000 in an hour won’t seem hard and adding $1,000 in a day will seem EASY!
The fun starts soon.
I'd be thrilled if you could come out and play with us!
===>Join the $1k in a Minute Challenge and Royalty Ronin Here
Rooting For Ya,