Navigating the road to financial independence can be like a horror movie.
A job is like a zombie that gobbles up your time and energy like brains.
If you do outrun the zombies and start a business…
Give it a minute or two and…
The business grows fangs, latches onto your neck and sucks your life out like a vampire coming off a 72-hour fast.
Now, vampires are cooler than zombies…in Hollywood, anyway?
Yet, the result is the same.
A lifeless carcass pushed over to the side of a desert road.
However, a few of us have found a new and different way.
A way that drives a stake in the zombie's brain and repels a vampire like garlic and a crucifix.
How do we beat them? And win?
By creating TINY INVESTMENTS, we call micro-investments that create monthly cash flow but DO NOT require our ENERGY once they’re set up.
CNBC and the talking heads will never tell you about these investments because they work for financial institutions that depend on YOUR money.
How would they profit off you if you knew where to create a few hundred bucks investment and cash flow it for $500 a month or more?
They wouldn’t.
That’s why you may likely never hear about these micro-investments.
But tomorrow…
At 1 pm Central…
Over Zoom…
I am sharing how I’ve been creating tiny investments with recurring cash flow for decades.
One was an $800 investment I created that paid me nearly every day for 5 years running.
I cleared $300,000 over those 5 years.
Shockingly to me, that wasn’t even my best one.
In 2023, more of these micro-investments are waiting to be created than ever before.
I’ll tell you why tomorrow.
There are already over 200 faithful Sinners (Set In 6 ers) coming.
I’m rolling up my sleeves…
…grabbing stakes, garlic and crucifixes and we’ll kick some time-sucking zombie and vampire ass together.
Can you join the fight with us?
Just click the brown “Let’s Kick Some Ass” button below.
If you don’t see it…
Upgrade to Paid with any of the buttons on this page and then swing back by and register.