I had such a great time on our Zoom Shindig!
The 4 1/2 hours seemed like minutes to me.
I saw the light come on for so many folks and that is what’s super important to me.
So, important that I want the epitaph on my tombstone to read: “Made the Light Come On!”
So it was my great honor to get to spend this time with so many SINNERS!
I cussed a lot because I cuss when I get excited!
Someone said his favorite part is when I said, “With 3 personal letters sent by mail and a phone call you can get done whatever the F#CK you want in this world!”
I can’t wait until our 2nd Sinner Shindig next month!
Make sure you catch the replay if you missed it (Below)
…or if you want to watch it again:-)
Here ya go…