If you know who, when and how to ask…
You can get access to just about anything you want.
We’ll keep this focused on our money-making adventures, okay?
But it works for other things too.
Let’s start with WHO:
Resourceful people.
Why resourceful people?
Because resourceful people have RESOURCES.
I’ve had hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets handed to me by a resourceful person.
It rarely takes a “sales pitch”.
I’ve had resourceful people hand me cars, land, businesses, email lists, customer lists, watches and more.
Not for free…
…but for no money upfront or in exchange for something else (keep reading).
Resourceful people HAVE resources.
So, I do business with resourceful people.
WHEN you ask a resourceful person to give you access, control or ownership of their resources is one of the “magic tricks” in my money magician’s bag of prestidigitation.
When are the best times to ask a resourceful person to hand you their resources or assets?
When they NO longer want them.
There’s a time when their assets have become a liability.
I’ve had a number of people ask me to please take their email lists because they’ve moved on to another project and they no longer want to pay the monthly fee to keep their autoresponder service.
I’ve had people deed me their land because they don’t want to pay the property taxes anymore.
I call these no-longer-wanted resources “trash can” assets.
When they realize they don’t have enough time, energy or know how to use their resources fully.
This is the most common with resourceful people.
They have so many resources they realize that many of them “sit” or “collect dust” and could create cash flow or benefit if someone were to come along and do it for them.
You see this every day with money.
I guarantee you that right this moment; there is a 65-year-old woman turning over millions of dollars to a hedge fund manager.
The average age of a hedge fund manager is 35.
Why will this woman turn over her money to someone 30 years her junior?
Because she doesn’t know how to fully utilize the millions she’s accumulated.
The hedge fund manager does it for a 2% management fee and 20% of the upside, which she happily pays.
Her nest egg is not a “trash can” asset, but she knows she lacks the time, energy or know-how to get the most out of it.
This is how I get business owners to hand over huge lists of buyers that it’s taken them years and sometimes millions of dollars to build in a single Zoom call or two.
It’s a matter of timing.
If the 65-year-old millionaire feels she can do a great job investing her millions then she won’t turn it over.
If my potential partner feels they are getting the most out of their customer list, they won’t turn it over either.
Those are both perfectly acceptable.
Totally okay.
There are PLENTY of resourceful people who have acquired resources and assets BEYOND what they can manage on their own.
Now, you’ve got a resourceful person in front of you.
You’ve determined they either no longer want the resource or have a bigger pile of resources than they can handle by themselves.
Are you with me?
How do you get them to hand them over?
So you can cash flow, monetize or rent the resource out ASAP.
Find out what THEY want NOW and what STOPS THEM from getting it, then give them a RISK-FREE PROPOSAL.
Let me give you some tips:
Don’t assume.
Don’t assume!
Just ASK.
Depending on the sitch…
You might ask, “Why are you letting this parcel of land go?”
If you ASSUMED, you may have asked, “How much do you want for this piece of land?”
They may say…
and I’ve had people say, “I inherited it from my father. I don’t plan on ever going there and don’t want to pay taxes anymore. I owe back taxes and don’t want to hassle with it.”
Do you see what I’m getting at?
I validate.
I don’t assume they are 100% clear yet.
I might ask:
“I see. You just want it out of your hair. Other than having the back taxes paid and outta your hair, what else do you want?”
“Nothing. If someone pays the back taxes, I will deed it to them.”
Then I might check AGAIN…as if I am a little dense (more than I usually am.)
“I see you owe about $1200 in back taxes. You could put this on the market and get more than that. Are you saying you’d deed it over to me if I paid the $1200 even though you could get more by putting it on the market?”
Then they MAY SAY,
“I don’t want to put it on the market and deal with surveys, perc tests and realtors. If you pay the taxes, it’s yours.”
Then, I can “close” the deal in short order.
I take the risk out…and give them exactly what they want…
“I will pay for the survey, perc tests, and other costs 100%. I am willing to pay off the back taxes and give you an extra $100 to help me expedite the paperwork. Does that work for you?”
Then we have a deal.
After it’s deeded over to me…
I can cash flow the land.
Flip it.
Finance it for cash flow for years.
Whatever I want.
Now, sometimes, they do want cash.
Or we have to negotiate more.
But there are still ways we can get control of a valuable asset with no cash upfront.
And land or physical assets are not as flexible as digital assets like websites, email lists, customer lists or other intellectual property.
Like when I’ve negotiated course rights by giving them EXPOSURE to a new audience.
Or like this Case Study where I only paid $800 and cash flowed it for five years and $300,000.
Even though I paid $800…
I could have used an OPTION to buy and pay her AFTER I made the $800.
The key to getting the resource was knowing what SHE wanted and making it RISK FREE for her.
It’s the key to having resourceful people handing you their resources!
You gotta know who to ask, when to ask and how to ask!
Getting someone to give you an asset for free or pennies on the dollar is a heckuva lot faster than scrimping and saving up for decades.
It’s not time, skills or energy we lack to become financially independent…
It’s a lack of resources or assets.
And now you know how to get resourceful people to hand you their resources.
What questions do you have?
I’d love to hear them!
Rooting For Ya,
Fascinating. How do you find resourceful people or people with resources that they don’t need or want to deal with anymore?
Even though you share a lot of the same analogies and stories from your past, I start out thinking "Ah, I've read this before" and leave thinking "I would have been an idiot to miss this one!" In this case, I'm reminded again DON'T ASSUME! I still do that a lot and probably will do it again.
So my question would be, if you already asked a question based on assumption, is there a way to turn it around?
In your example the assumed question would be “How much do you want for this piece of land?”
Can you correct the ship after that?