NEW: ca$h kopywriting for kids
If you're not a great writer, but don't HATE writing - this is for you...
I never thought I'd do this...
Travis here...
If you wanna be a great writer...I'm totally not your Huckleberry.
If you want to write 6th grader simple copy that makes the cash register sing...
“Kaching. Kaching. Kaching.”
(For yourself or get paid to do it for other people.)
You are likely ALREADY 1/2 way there.
If you understand the 5 P's of pre-selling (from my previous emails to you)…
All you need now... the one children's story I use and show other
peeps who can barely write at grade school level to sell 5 and 6 figures from anywhere...using just about any type of platform...
Including something as low rent as Google Docs.
I've gotta hard-drive full of nice notes like the one Jon gave me.
We literally...
...take the lyrics to a children's story/song
...dab on the 5 Ps
...Post it in a group, send an email, put it in a G Doc
And watch money spit out.
I figured you may be open to doing that, too.
That's why...
I am including the PILOT class of Cash Kopywriting for Kids when you BREAK BAD with us here.
Here's what to do now:
1. Dive into the 5Ps Here
2. Choose the Breaking Bad Level
3. Let's make it rain
BTW: I've put off doing an official "Copywriting" training because with the 5 Ps and the children's just didn't seem like "writing."
But, this year...
More of my students are running $250,000 to $500,000 campaigns on Google Docs than ever before...
More than ever before...
I feel like I'm letting peeps down not to put Cash Kopywriting for Kids out there.
I warn you.
If you wanna be the next Thoreau, Hemingway or Stephen King of copy...
I am NOT your dude.
Rooting For Ya,
PS Don't sweat the investment. It's cheap. Most everyone makes their investment back in my shizz with one email or post. If they don't...they send another email.
PPS If you are one of the many who've already Broke Bad, thank you and you are IN! :-)