[This is based on a true story. The names have changed to protect the innocent.]
Ed is a freelance copywriter.
Pete is too.
Ed has one big client on retainer who pays him $3500 a month. Ed is expected to write twelve 1500-word, well-researched emails per month.
$3500 a month is not enough to live on, so Ed takes on other one-off or short-term projects when one turns up.
But, taking on side projects and family life with a newborn baby in the household stretches Ed thin.
Last month he got a warning from his big retainer client that if the quality of his work doesn’t improve he’ll be let go.
The last time Ed lost a big client, it took him 6 months to find another one.
Ed’s savings account is still recovering from the beating it took from the last client drought.
He can’t afford another drought right now.
Pete is technically a freelance copywriter too.
He works from home and has a family.
But Pete often makes MORE than $3500 for one email.
Pete chooses how many words they’ll be.
Pete doesn’t have any deadlines.
Pete doesn’t have any set amount of emails he needs to write, but he makes so much per email he always wants to write more.
The cool part is that he makes so much per email that he can have other copywriters write it for him.
Pete doesn’t worry about losing a “client.”
In fact, Pete’s clients worry about losing HIM.
Pete also has a WAITING LIST.
And if he didn’t…
He wouldn’t sweat it.
Because Pete can get a new “client” in days.
What gives?
Why does Ed have it so hard?
Why is Pete on easy street?
Technically Ed does way more research and is a way better copywriter.
Pete doesn’t even write his own copy much anymore.
Does Pete just know the right people?
Ed and Pete both don’t have a big network.
Pete does have a KEY that will unlock the door to opportunities.
Ed does NOT have the same KEY.
With the key, Pete gets leads like a rockstar gets groupies.
Without the key, Ed feels like a beggar asking for spare change.
What is the key?
What makes money-making easy for Pete and like nailing Jello to a tree for Ed?
I wish someone would’ve sat me down and told me this when I was a young man in my 20s.
Because I didn’t figure it out until my mid-thirties.
It changed everything for me.
I became a millionaire a few short years later.
Better than the money is I had (and have) time!
I have a hella lotta fun too.
I’ve been “semi-retired” since I was 38 years young.
I don’t do much I don’t want to do.
Now, I want to share this practical key with you.
Everyone opens the door and welcomes a NEW PAYCHECK!
The door gets slammed and nearly everyone rejects a NEW EXPENSE!
Ed struggles because he is a $ 3,500-a-month EXPENSE to a client.
His client is always looking for ways to ELIMINATE EXPENSES.
If they think AI can do his “job” for less, “Bye, bye, Ed! Nice knowing ya!”
Then Ed is back to cold knocking, getting doors slammed in his face and drinking cheap scotch at night to soothe the rejection.
As if he doesn’t feel bad enough, he catches the glares his wife gives him.
Pretty soon he takes on any client or work he can get his hands on even if the pay is way less than he deserves.
We know this deep down…
Companies don’t want to take on more expenses.
They want to get the most they can for the least they can.
Ed better be ready to compete with the other dozen freelance copywriters too.
The companies have dozens of copywriters to choose from and they put them through the wringer to make sure they get the best one for the money.
Pete doesn’t have to put up with this BS.
Pete is a new paycheck.
Everyone welcomes a new paycheck.
Pete finds partners who he thinks he can bring a new paycheck.
Partners are excited to get on Zoom with Pete to find out IF and possibly HOW BIG that paycheck maybe every month.
Because every other freelance copywriter is an expense…
Pete doesn’t have any real competition.
In fact, Pete is the CHOOSER…not the one who pleads, “Please pick me!”
Pete can’t remember the last time he was even ASKED to “give references” or “samples.”
Pete is the one who does the asking!
“Do people like your products?”
“What is your refund rate?”
“Are chargebacks an issue for your company?”
Now EVEN IF Pete didn’t make more money with one email than Ed does writing 12 under a client’s thumb…
Wouldn’t the EASE of getting partners because Pete is a paycheck be pretty awesome?
But Pete OFTEN makes thousands per email on AVERAGE!
There are some emails where Pete makes NOTHING because if the partner makes nothing…then Pete makes nothing too.
This is why Pete must be CHOOSY!
He only picks partners who have great offers, can send lots of traffic and let HIM call the shots!
Pete is what we call a Ronin.
Ronin is Japanese for Samurai with NO MASTER!
Ronin are always a PAYCHECK and never an EXPENSE!
Ronin are welcomed to Zoom and phone conferences to discuss how they can bring a new paycheck to a company.
While a business may not be hiring another EXPENSive copywriter…
They are ALWAYS open to ANOTHER PAYCHECK, right?
Moving from being viewed as an EXPENSE to a PAYCHECK is the key that unlocks the doors of big money opportunities.
When times get tight…
Guess what?
Companies chop expenses and get MORE resourceful.
They are looking for ways to bring in MORE PAYCHECKS with what they already have.
We had one Ronin last week set up a Zoom with a partner the SAME DAY he joined us.
Not only is being a paycheck FASTER to get partners than clients.
It plain FEELS BETTER too!
Ronin feel like they are GIVING SOMETHING…rather than asking or TAKING something.
Does that make sense?
It’s fun (for both parties) to brainstorm a way to bring someone a brand-new paycheck.
It’s a chore (for both parties) to try and SELL THEM on hiring you.
Would you like to have more fun in life and business with us?
I’ve got Ronin open for the next round.
I don’t know if you’ve got all the biz you can handle?
Some folks LOVE doing sales calls and are really good at getting a company to take on new expenses.
Ronin stubbornly refuse to be forced to take BS from clients.
Our motto is…
We refuse to wait 30 years slaving away for clients who will give us the ax at the first opportunity.
We want to break the chains.
When do we want it?
Life is short.
I've had family members die.
I've got friends who aren't with me anymore.
My wife got so sick she nearly died last year.
She's on the mend.
But we've got new wind in our sails to live life, NOW!
Time stands still for nobody.
If you're open to it...
If simping for anyone or anything sticks like cactus in your craw too.
I lovingly invite you to find out more about Royalty Ronin.
If this is the first time you've heard about Ronin...
===> Start here
If you'd like a case study and ONE example of how we CREATE our OWN investments with 1000% + returns...
===> Here's how I turned an $800 investment into $300,000 over 5 years with NO clients
If you're "in" but need a few deets including the investment...(it's not big-ticket.)
===>Take the Virtual Tour and Let's Start Living Off Investment Returns Here
And if you don’t get my help moving from an “expense” to a “paycheck,” that’s okay.
But please…
Make the move ASAP!
It’s a money and life changer!
Rooting For Ya,
Do whatever ya got to and jump in! Royalty Ronin has given me so much fuel to make stuff happen! The community itself is worth the investment and then you get all the braingasmic insights that Travis is bringing to make this a no-brainer if you're serious about serving no master!
Ronin 4 life!!!