Money Don't Give a Shit About How Many Shelf-Help Books You've Got...
If you want to be financially set-for-life, don't rely on a download from Kindle...
If I had to bet a $1 millie on a fisherman's ability to catch enough fish to not only feed HIS family but others...
I would NOT bet on the fisherman who read 1000 self-help books, went to all the Tony Robbins events or "cleared" all their "financial blocks"...if they're FISHING FROM THEIR BATHTUB!
I'd drop it on the guy or gal who is fishing from the Bahamas where the marlin, mahi-mahi, tuna and sailfish leap from the water even if he/she wouldn't recognize Gary Vee.
Besides the fact that fish don't care if you're a positive thinker or not.
Fishing where the fish are big and plentiful and you can fail fast and with multiple lines in the water...even idiots can get rich.
But a financial Einstein won't eat hearty fishing in his goldfish bowl.
Most of us aren't "taught" this.
We just go fishing wherever is closest.
...or the way we've been programmed or conditioned to fish.
...or we get all hung up on the TOOLS we use to fish and we pay little attention to the FISH or LOCATION or the BAIT we use.
Webinar? Tik Tok? Funnel? are all tools.
Matters not if you're fishing in your toilet. Creating a vision board ain't gonna help shit either.
Right now, millions are being made with printed paper, a stamp and mailing it into the right fishing holes.
In fact, I'm routinely catching $3k, $25k, $30k and soon $40k on single transactions...using primitive tools like direct mail.
And these are transactions I can add a 0 to.
The fish are plentiful in these waters.
Now, I'm not saying fish with direct mail, LOL.
I'm just pointing out it ALL works when you're fishing for big(ger) fish in the right spots and with the right bait.
And I'm all for self-help or whatev when it comes to INTERNAL peace, calm and satisfaction.
but "Money Does Not Give A Shit!"
Rooting for Ya,
I wrote down “Money Doesn’t Care If You Have A Positive Self-Image”
I love the fishing analogy. Do that one again :)