I’d NEVER suggest doing anything illegal!
That’s not how I roll…
But picture this…
How much money COULD you make if the government gave you a legal license to print money?
How much money WOULD you make if you were one of very few people with this special license?
What if you didn’t even need special equipment?
You could use a regular color copier/printer you could get at Wally World?
You’d just need a few original bills to get started.
Let’s say, you didn’t have ANY money of your own.
Do you think you could find someone with a fresh $100 bill lying around?
Could you work out a deal to borrow it?
I betcha dollars to donuts you could!
It might go like this:
“The guvmint has given me a rare license to print money. Anything I print is legal tender. But I need an original bill to start with and I don’t have any money. Lemme borrow your hundie. I want to make copies of it. I’ll plug the printer in right here. The hundie will never leave your sight. I’ll give you 50 cents out of every dollar I make from here on out with the copies I make.”
Do ya think you’d have any takers?
You’d have your PICK!
Because you are a RARE license holder.
And people with a Benjamin or two in their wallet are ABUNDANT.
It gets even sweeter…
What if…
The government has also made it legal to make COPIES of the COPIES?
And copies of those copies!
If this were really true, how much money would you make? Like literally make, LOL!
How soon would you start?
Would you keep your job?
Would you stay in the same business you’re in now?
If you would stay in the same business because you love it, how would you use your license to print money to expand your business?
Again, when would you want to start?
Would you set your license to print money on the back burner?
Now, I’ve shared a sliver of this with you before…
But, please huddle in…
This is important.
I can’t think of anything more important than sharing this with you. I really can’t.
BECAUSE content “buys” eyeballs.
Content buys attention.
From Mr. Beast to Elon to Google to Zuckerberg…
They are getting rich, rich, rich because they understand that ATTENTION = CASH.
Zuckerberg gets YOU to create the CONTENT.
So does Twitter.
So does Google.
They get you to LICENSE them your content.
Why do they want your content?
The same reason you’d need to borrow the hundie to copy if you didn’t have one of your own.
They don’t have any “original” content of their own.
They get yours and then they make a trade with you.
They even cut you in on the deal.
Adsense is Google’s way of cutting you in on licensing your content.
Youtube influencers get paid after they meet the monetization requirements.
Zuckerberg says, “I’ll let you use Facebook free.”
Zuck is doing okay, isn’t he?
What about the average Joe or Josephine?
Almost nobody really understands this:
While printing currency will get you put in the clink.
You can LEGALLY license and repurpose content.
The part that makes licensing even BETTER than printing money IF printing money wasn’t illegal.
Is that the content owner can KEEP USING their own content.
This makes it SUPER EASY to get people to license their content to you.
If they can still use their content but also let you use their content too AND they get EXTRA benefit by letting you use their content…
There’s nothing to say “no” to.
Let’s look at it from another angle because I want to make sure I’m clear as crystal.
If there were a person with $100,000 in stocks they were managing…
And you could say, “Look, you know the stock market. All your time is tied up in managing your stocks. Why don’t we duplicate your $100,000 and I’ll put it to work in the real estate market? You can keep your money in stocks, but I’ll take the duplicated $100k and invest it in real estate. I’m an expert there. I’ll do all the work. I’ll take all the risk. You get 50% of the profit just for letting me clone your $100k. Deal?”
Do you think you’d have all eager takers you could shake a stick at with that offer?
They won’t ask you for credentials, experiences or references either.
Because they’ve got nothing to lose.
This is an R.F.P. - a Risk-Free Proposal
This is just ONE WAY we are getting permission to license other people’s content, tweak it a bit and place it on another platform with traffic.
For example, Sinners are taking podcasts, repurposing them into books, and putting them on Kindle.
Because we can repurpose 1001 ways… there are 1001 ways to profit.
That’s why on our next Sinner Zoom Shindig…
I will break down a different way to license and repurpose someone else’s (or your own) content that almost NOBODY thinks about and if they do think about it, they rarely do it.
That’s great news for you…
Because it’s the MOST effective repurposing I’ve ever done.
It’s faster than putting content on another network.
Sales and income can stream in as little as 24 hours.
The benefits can last for years.
There are much less hoops to jump through.
It also produces LONG-TERM ASSETS at will.
What kind of long-term assets?
Email lists. Facebook groups. Twitter followings. ANYTHING YOU’D NORMALLY PAY FOR WITH CASH and/or sweat.
And the DEMAND is through the roof because almost NOBODY is doing it.
It’s like having that rare legal license to print money in our hypothetical example.
But this is real.
Very real and is happening now.
Getting permission to use someone else’s content and repurposing it is the next best thing I’ve found to printing money.
Licensing = getting permission and agreement
Repurposing Content = the “printing” of the currency
The printing machine is sitting there just waiting for us.
When would you want to get started?
Many have said, “NOW!”
On our NEXT Sinner Zoom Shindig…
I’m breaking it down for you.
If you don’t have an interview with Oprah or something…
Here’s why you want to be on our next Zoom:
This is a MUCHO different way to license and repurpose content that:
*Can bring in dozens to hundreds of leads and/or sales within 24 hours.
*Builds assets you can monetize for years without ever needing money.
*Works in every imaginable niche. If there’s a weird niche it won’t work in, I don’t know what it is?
*You can use it on your own existing content if you have a business already OR busy business owners will EAGERLY fill your dance card to do it for them.
*You won’t ever have to worry about running out of deals.
*There’s almost NOBODY doing this, and the few who are, ask for (and get) big fat retainers, but there’s a way better way to make more money, get control of long-term assets and without a “client” who tells us what to do.
*We make the rules!
We’re still repurposing content…
But we don’t just look to go out and put it on another platform.
(And we can still do that TOO!)
This works even better.
If you’ve already paid to upgrade, thank you kindly and you’ll find your Zoom link below.
It’s gonna be off da chicken:-)
If you’re new, would like to join in the fun and ride the wave of what I believe is the biggest opportunity to create assets and passive income for the average person I’ve ever seen in my 55 years on this big blue marble…
Then take advantage of the invite below to mix mojo on a trial basis and let’s use content to start minting money…