I’m getting ready for the 1st Set In 6 (Sinner) Zoom Shindig.
One of the things I am trying to do is completely smash the old paradigm of trading time for money.
And then crush the idea that if we can just save up a pile of money big enough we will have “financial security”.
…or sacrifice LONG enough in a business that we’ll have a huge exit and be financially secure SOMEDAY.
History is proof financial security does not exist.
Because anything outside or external of us can be TAKEN AWAY!
I could come up with dozens of examples.
The extreme is when Americans thought a stash of gold would “keep them secure” in times of trouble.
Like during a depression or something.
Like after the Great Depression of 1929.
Guess what?
Roosevelt confiscated gold in 1933.
Just when folks were relying on gold as security!
I bet the folks at Kodak thought they were secure too?
Until digital photography dawned and they weren’t.
And does MySpace even exist anymore?
I dunno?
Will Facebook exist in 10 years?
I’m not smart enough to figure it out.
I don’t hold a crystal ball.
I advise folks to RUN from folks who predict the future.
What I do know…
…time and time again…
When someone puts their faith in something EXTERNAL to provide security…
It fails!
…like a Bernie Madoff!
So, what do we do?
Do we run around scared like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall?
Hellz no!
We make our money in PORTABLE ways.
Sinners PIGGYBACK on change. (I call it Piggy Banking)
Like a surfer surfs a wave.
The surfer doesn’t fear waves.
The surfer wants waves.
Sinners want change!
Sinners are flexible.
A big ass oak tree can blow down.
But have you ever tried to blow grass down?
On our first Sinner call, we’re gonna go deep on our very simple but flexible plan.
Take other people’s content, repurpose it and find new marketplaces to share it on for a percentage.
Sinners are ALREADY getting agreements for 50/50 rev shares…on products they didn’t create and traffic they don’t need to run.
Here’s what makes this so flexible in any kind of economy.
We can surf and profit from change and trends.
When Crypto is hot, we can repurpose crypto content.
Today, AI is hot, hot, HAWT!
We can repurpose AI content in dozens and dozens of ways.
“Tomorrow” something else will be hot!
We don’t need to fear it like we’re big wigs at Kodak or Blockbuster because our SIZE and FLEXIBILITY of what we do becomes the advantage!
We don’t get bogged down like Blockbuster because they’ve got billions of dollars of sunk cost and infrastructure in place.
Does that make sense?
The world is our dang oyster!
There are trillions and trillions of bytes of data and content out there.
Ours for the taking!
It’s totally safe too because we CAN use all free tools.
From Gmail to Google Docs, I collect amazing royalties using those free tools.
Here’s just ONE WAY to Ride the AI Wave:
Right now, there are Youtube influencers rapping about AI who have huge followings.
At the same time…
There’s raging demand on Kindle for books about AI.
The Youtube influencer is too busy doing video things to repurpose his video content into books.
Jeff Bezos is too busy doing Amazon things to go to the Youtube influencers.
This is where a Sinner can surf in and create passive income streams which flow in for years.
For very little to no cash upfront.
Or if they are REALLY flexible and crafty…
They can get PAID to repurpose the content and keep collecting the income stream.
We’re gonna rap about that on Feb 15.
It won’t be the same without you.
I’d love to see ya if you don’t have an interview with Oprah or Warren Buffet or something?
Just mash any of the “Upgrade to Paid” links and join us.
“Content” has been on planet earth since stone tablets.
Now that everyone has access to distribution/marketplaces, even the little dudes and dudettes can create income LITERALLY from thin air by repurposing intellectual property.
And now we’ve got AI to help make it even easier!
I don’t know of a more FLEXIBLE financial plan that will work a century into the future.
I sleep super well at night even when with cuckoos and crazies “running the show” up on the hill.
Rooting For Ya,
LOL cuckoos and crazies on the hill alright Travis. Gotta get out of their clutches and rise above them despite all their idiotic meddling. I was thinking you were going to discuss a way to use AI to repurpose content (maybe you are) but simply repurposing content about AI is another avenue. Great ideas mate
Travis will there be replay for subscribers? Damn Job still in the way......